Sunday, May 23, 2010


Don't you love shelves? I do! I hope you've been looking for some... they're hard to find & pricey when you do! I have some affordable ones for you! Don't laugh at our pictures/portraits... some are very old! When e-mailing, refer to the number with each picture. If you want to see it up close, just click on the pictures below. These are available NOW! (Decorations not included.)

1. These two pine shelves can be sold together for $12 or separately for $7 each. Each shelf is made up of 3 different pieces. The two bottom pieces can be moved in closer or further to the edges... whichever you prefer. They are nice, thick, & sturdy. They do not have to be mounted on studs. They are stained a warm brown that matched our oak furniture. Measurements: 24" wide, 7" deep, 8" tall (from top of shelf to bottom of support).

2. --SOLD--This shelf is exactly like the ones above... except it has a clear coat stain instead of a brown stain. Also, it is 36" wide. (So... not exactly... but close!) It has 3 separate pieces so you can vary the look based on where you place the supports. It does not have to be mounted on studs. $10 Measurements: 36" wide, 7" deep, 8" tall (from top of shelf to bottom of support).

3. A shelf from Home Interiors... sturdy, solid wood, dark brown stain. $10 This shelf has a plate groove on both sides of the shelf (top & bottom); therefore, it can be flipped and hung "upside down." Measurements: 36" wide, 5" deep, 12" tall (from top of side support to the bottom of the side support).

4. Another shelf from Home Interiors... sturdy, solid wood with metal sides, dark brown stain. $8 The spindles beneath the shelf can be used for decorative towels or magazines or hand dipped candles. I have doilies on them now. The top one is more forward than the lower. Looks very pretty in a bathroom with decorative towels. Measurements: 20" wide, 7" deep, 10" tall (from top of shelf to bottom of support).

5. Country Hunter Green Shelf... very sturdy, solid wood. $15 Eight little Spindles to hang items from. Measurements: 47" wide, 7" deep, 10" tall (from top of shelf to bottom of support).

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